Readable Music for pianoGuitar hymns, G-sheetsReadable Music for steel bands


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The objective of Readable Music is to allow a novice to progress easily through the first steps of reading music, without having to learn a lot of symbolism and without acquiring any "bad habits": The notations of pitch and time are real. It will be easy to switch back and forth to and from the classic notation.

You can read music directly from your notebook-PC, as it scrolls down your screen.

Play C-scrolls (continuous scrolls) for FREE directly here: Play C-scrolls



- The symbol used to indicate the pitch of each note is the name of the note (A, B, C, D, E, F, G).
This allows every child who can read the first letters of the alphabet to recognize the notes easily.

- Timing is expressed by position (music is read from top to bottom).
Each interval is delimited by a horizontal line.

- Each octave is delimited by a vertical line.

- Symbolism is reduced considerably and it is made explicit (no previous declarations to remember).

(Please consult the MYCR Theory Books on the right, for learning how to read and teach  Readable Music)

The Readable Music (MYCR) music notation is not "simplified", but is simple to read. What's the difference?


Often "simplified" music notations alter the original script so that a novice student can play it, but in the process some information is lost, or the whole piece may sound quite different.

In many cases a "simplified" music notation can only be used to represent trivial pieces of music and will not help with more complex pieces.

THE Readable Music NOTATION

Any piece of music can be written using the Readable Music notation and it will maintain its original timing and pitch information intact.

However, the advantage is that the amount of symbolism is greatly reduced, the
reading rules are simpler and it is more "natural" than the traditional notation.

For a comparison between the two, please click:  Comparison.


- Because the Readable Music notation reduces symbolism without losing information, it can be used as a notation for a simpler and more direct way to store music on computers.
A machine readable music language has been developed for this purpose.

- The Readable Music music notation is read vertically (from top to bottom) and it progresses at a constant pace, since timing is positional. Because of these characteristics, it can easily be written in "scrolls", which can be shown scrolling down on a screen at a set speed, thus eliminating the need of "going to the next line" or turning pages while playing.



(current cart contents)


MYCR Theory Book 2
Theory Book 1:
T1: $5.95

MYCR Theory Book 2
Theory Book 2:
T2: $6.95

MYCR Practice Book 1
Practice Book:
P: $8.95
(Color illustrations)

MYCR T1 and P1 Books
T1 and P
2 Books: $11.90

MYCR T1, T2 and P1 Books
T1, T2 and P
3 Books: $19.85

2-switch rocking pedal
2-switch rocking stainless steel
USB pedal: $69.60 (*)

(*) The above 2-switch stainless steel "rocking pedal", when connected to a USB port, will send the "up arrow" or "down arrow" signals to your PC, when pressed forward (tip) or backward (heel), performing the same functions of the up-arrow and down-arrow of your computer keyboard.

The pedal allows you to slow down or speed-up the scrolling while playing, using your left foot, so that you never need to adjust the scrolling speed using your keyboard by hand.


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